Training Reservations

Crime Scene Cleanup Training Reservation

Thank you for your interest in our crime scene cleanup course. This reservation for is for our in-person hands-on course in Indianapolis, Indiana. Once we receive your reservation form, we’ll reach out to you to confirm receipt. To guarantee your class seat, please pay a deposit of $400. We only accept six students per class and class seats are awarded on a “first come first serve” basis.

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1st Student Information

Student Name
Student Address

2nd Student Information

Student Name
Student Address

3rd Student Information

Student Name
Student Address

4th Student Information

Student Name
Student Address

Class Type and Date

Training Details
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Training Outline

View this page to learn about our crime scene cleanup training outline

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Training Costs

View this page to learn more about the costs involved in our training course

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Training Dates

View this page to view our upcoming training dates for the next twelve months

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Training Reservations

View this page to secure your class seat for one of our upcoming training courses