Biohazard Remediation

We Are Experts in Remediation

Not every incident or scene will involve a crime; however, there may still exist an area of contamination that should be professionally remediated. If blood is not cleanup up immediately, the blood will begin to spread and will be absorbed by porous materials, such as: concrete, asphalt, drywall, carpet, sub floor, grout, studs and floor joists. To help prevent unnecessary contamination and increased structural damage, it is imperative that you contact a company trained in blood cleanup as quickly as possible.

Since blood travels in much the same manner as water does, a casual inspection of the scene will not reveal all traces of the blood. This is where blood cleanup technicians can help. Any type of crime scene cleanup or blood cleanup involves a comprehensive and detailed procedure to detect, disinfect and completely remove all traces of bio-hazardous materials, to include but not limited to; blood, bodily fluids, tissue & bone matter, contaminated clothing and household goods, hypodermic needles, razor blades and other items that may pose a risk of injury or death. For your safety, and the safety of your family and friends, it is vital that all traces of these elements be removed from a scene, whether a crime has been committed or not.

Technicians with Bio-Trauma 911, Inc. have received extensive training in crime scene cleanup, blood cleanup, blood spatter, trauma scene cleanup and in the use of various chemicals, all of which are OSHA approved and completely safe. Our technicians, utilizing specialized training and equipment, will detect and remove all biohazard materials and restore your house or place of business to a safe environment.

Please, before you attempt to cleanup blood or a crime or trauma scene yourself, speak with a trained & certified technician. We have trained personnel standing by 24 hours a day to answer your questions. Bio-Trauma 911, Inc. can be reached at 1-800-759-6960. You will not be charged for calling us for advice or to simply ask a few questions.

Why are We Qualified?

There are a lot of business, both large and small, available to assist family members and friends when tragedy strikes. Some are well-qualified to provide biohazard remediation services, while others may not be.

Here are some things to consider when searching for a company to hire:

How long has the company been in business? Bio-Trauma 911 has been providing crime & trauma scene remediation since 2005!
Have background investigations been completed on the technicians that will be working in my home? Bio-Trauma 911 is owned and operated by an Indiana Law Enforcement Officer & US Marine. We use former police officers and military veterans, all of whom have been cleared through background screening.
How much does the company charge? Most crime & trauma scene remediation work can be billed to insurance companies. If we can't bill it to insurance, you'll know up front what we'll charge and we offer a price match guarantee! Find a cheaper service and we'll do our very best to beat the cost by 10%.
Indianapolis crime scene cleanup

Service Quality

The team at Bio-Trauma 911, Inc. has been remediating crime and trauma scenes for nearly 20 years. During this time, we have developed cleaning techniques that have proven effective in removing and eliminating all traces of blood and other biohazards. If you have any questions as to whether or not we can safely and adequately remediate a scene, we encourage to call us at 1-800-759-6960 or use the chat button at the bottom right of this screen.
biohazard gastrointestinal bleed before biohazard gastrointestinal bleed after
Biohazard Remediation

Have Questions?

This is not unusual and in most situations the blood does penetrate the top layer of flooring, whether it is tile, carpet or wood laminate. What we tend to find is blood and other body fluids will run to the seams and then underneath the uppermost layer of flooring. When this happens, we will recommend that our client allow us to pull up the flooring so we can adequately clean or remove the padding and subfloor. This is the only way to ensure all biohazards are removed. Leaving the biohazards will often cause an odor that will not go away until such time that the biohazards (e.g. blood and fluids) are removed.
Every situation is unique; however, in most situations the blood has traveled under or through the cushions and onto the springs and wood frame. Once this happens, we recommend that our clients allow us to completely dismantle and clean the sofa or recliner. However, this process does require us to cut out the affected areas, thus rendering the furniture unusable.
Not every job we respond to involves a criminal act. When responding to a homicide or incident that involves trauma inflicted during the commission of a criminal act, the industry term "Crime Scene Cleanup" applies. For any other scene or incident whereby blood or body fluids are present, but a criminal act was not involved, we use the term biohazard remediation.
Yes, we will work with you to clean items that can be salvaged.
Why choose us?

Biohazard Remediation is typically covered by insurance

Bio-Trauma 911, Inc. works with several different insurance companies, therefore we are often able to bill your insurance company directly. If insurance covers the cost of our services, the only payment required from you will be your policy deductible. If insurance coverage is not available, we do offer several different payment plans, which generally suit most budgets.

Service Area
Company Mission
Our Growth
Entire United States
Bio-Trauma 911, Inc. typically dispatches its technicians within hours, or at your convenience, to the following states: Indiana, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin and Kentucky. Outside of these states and we will work with one of our affiliate companies. This partnership allows us to service most of the Continental United States. Please contact us at 1-800-759-6960.
To Provide a Superior Level of Service that Always Exceeds Our Clients' Expectations!
We have seen it all and have never judged or condemned any of our clients. We understand that life is not perfect, individuals have unique struggles and situations that oftentimes spiral out of control. In spite of the issues you may be dealing with, we vow to treat you as family and to help you to the fullest extent possible.
16 Years and Still Growing!
In 2022, Bio-Trauma 911 launched an online training program and "Business Bundle" package to help new businesses to succeed in the biohazard remediation industry. Through our training & support programs, Bio-Trauma 911 further establishes itself as a leader and innovator in our industry. Based on these and other growth initiatives, our future is strong and prosperous!

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